

Welcome to my holistic psychotherapy blog, a haven of insight and support for those seeking a profound transformation in their lives. As a skilled and compassionate holistic psychotherapist, I offer you a unique journey towards holistic healing and self-discovery.

My blog is a sanctuary where you can find solace, guidance, and empowerment. My profound expertise blends traditional therapeutic techniques with holistic approaches, embracing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Through this harmonious integration, my blog delves into various topics that inspire growth, healing, and resilience.

 Whether you’re navigating personal challenges, seeking to improve relationships, or yearning for personal growth, my blog nurtures your inner self with enlightening articles, practical exercises, and profound insights. Each post is crafted with the utmost care, understanding, and empathy to ensure a safe space for introspection and growth.

I believe that a great deal of healing comes from within, and my blog stands as both a point of entry, and lifelong friend for anyone ready to embark on a transformative journey. Join me in exploring the depths of your being, unlocking hidden potential, and embracing a more authentic and fulfilling life.

The path to holistic healing and self-awareness starts here. Welcome to my blog—a wellspring of wisdom and support on your remarkable journey to greater wholeness, consciousness, and balance.

Men’s Work

Men’s Work

"True strength, and growth, comes from going into what is uncomfortable. This is one task of the masculine principle."  -David Eshleman Are you a man carrying the "grief of women?"  Maybe you hold an internalized sense of shame, guilt and fear towards how you might be perceived by the opposite sex.  Maybe you try to compensate for this by always being the nice guy, putting yourself and your needs last, after everyone one else,until you have become so resentful and passive...

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Rejection & Complex Trauma

Rejection & Complex Trauma

"To be betrayed/abandoned/rejected is a deep - and one of the worst - soul woundings we can get".   -David Eshleman It's part of the human experience to encounter moments of rejection, betrayal, and abandonment.  However, when these things happen over and over again, especially in our early life (childhood through young adulthood), this pattern of "small t trauma" can develop into complex trauma, an internalized interpersonal and soul wounding.  Although Complex PTSD is not...

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Living In Duality

Living In Duality

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes." - George Lucas Duality.  The idea of all or nothing thinking, good and bad, black and white, yes and no, winners and losers. The zero-sum game.   A great deal of human suffering comes from this thinking.  That someone can only be one way, or the other.  There is a disownership of grey, and "both/and" thinking, thus creating unhealthy polarization in the process.  Sir Isaac Newton said something along the lines of an object in motion...

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Father or Mother Wound

Father or Mother Wound

“Time to write my own f***ing story.” Maeve (West World) Many of us have gone through a deep sense of wounding.  Maybe a recurring childhood experience left us wounded, questioning how life could be good, how could the universe be such a bad place?  This deep wounding affects us on a soul level, robs us of peace and joy, and sends us into a deep dark place of suffering. These types of wounds often affect us on a much deeper level, causing us to carry unconscious patterns that don't serve us....

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Psychotherapy for Shame & Criticism

Psychotherapy for Shame & Criticism

As Robert Bly said, the antidote to shame is to get closer to the wildman or wildwoman inside us.   To grow up in a shame family, where the value taught was to be afraid, to be put down, less than, is in itself a wounding.  Shame can be felt, verbalized, modelled and inherited.   We all have it.  Often it is so pervasive, or part of our fractured self. It is felt but not truly acknowledged.  We end up living alone, isolated, and afraid because shame is so powerful and profoundly...

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Holistic Therapy for Suffering

Holistic Therapy for Suffering

If you are depressed, beat down, numb, addicted, or carry a wound from the past, you are likely in touch with a great deal of suffering. Chances are you are searching for a way away from the suffering that you are carrying. Ironically, the counter intuitive approach is often the best way forward.  Suffering, like all experiences, needs a place to be contained and released.   Many ask, is there a way to not suffer?  Can therapy make me forget?  Is there no way to prevent suffering?...

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Anxiety and Social Media

Anxiety and Social Media

We live in a culture of instant gratification, getting likes, attention and validation immediately.  Our mammalian brains constantly seek to move closer to pleasure, validation and excitement, and away from pain, isolation and boredom. The constant comparison and obsession with popularity, or the "keeping up with the Jones" can start to make us feel alone, isolated, and depressed. For some, this can become an addiction - the dependence on external love to regulate our emotions.  What happens...

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Anxiety Changing or Stepping Away From Your Religion of Origin

Anxiety Changing or Stepping Away From Your Religion of Origin

Did you grow up in a fundamental, or cult like "church" or environment? Maybe you're still in the church, or maybe you are an ex-fundie seeking redemption and healing from what you are beginning to realize was a traumatic or spiritually wounding experience.  No matter if you are at the point in your life where you are seriously considering stepping away from your religion of origin, or just wanting to explore this a little, having a place to go to ask these questions can be helpful. The...

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Fear of moving forward

Fear of moving forward

We've all felt it, worry and fear over making a change in our lives.  Whether it is taking a step forward in a long time relationship, career change, or stepping away from something that has been a large part of our lives, there is a great deal of courage needed to make these life altering changes.  Courage means to stand by your heart and core.  In cases like these, where guilt, shame, fear, and anger may contribute to a high level of uncertainty and ambivalence, the therapy...

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